Friday, June 3, 2016

Why bother to hate someone?

Many of us experienced bullying, harassment, broken hearted, being scapegoat, and the like.
What would you feel when you are emotionally hurt by someone? And what if it happens over and over again? Would you hate him/her? Would you seek revenge? Would you feel so down and miserable?

As Muslims, we are taught to play cool, I meant when someone did something terrible to us, we MUST NOT hate them, let alone having a desire for revenge. Logically speaking, you understand what they did to you was very unpleasant and you might consider them as heartless creatures or whatsoever, so if you are smart and wise enough, YOU MUST NOT INTEND TO SEEK REVENGE, not even thinking about it. Because if you ever have that idea in your mind, let alone performing your revenge mission, it means you are simply as heartless as they are.

You got hurt so badly so you want to cry and you hate being in such situation and you hate those who hurt you, and bla bla bla. Yes, you are human being thus it is normal to feel such emotions. But when your mind and heart always connect to Allah, you will face the situation with patience, du’a, and a lot of Istighfar. FORGET YOUR SORROW! Ask Allah to grant you more patience and make good du’a for those who have costs you pain. Remember that ALLAH IS WITH THOSE WHO MAINTAIN PATIENCE (Al-Baqarah:153).

If you are patience, you are with Allah, and there is no way for Syatan or Evil Being to get into your blood.

DO NOT FALL INTO THE DEPTHS OF MISERY AND HATRED, BECAUSE SYATAN IS THERE. Syatan is the one that is so extremely incredibly happy to see you falling down. If you are feeling so down now, Get up! It is never too late to ask Allah’s Mercy. When you walk toward Allah, He runs toward you (Hadist by Imam Muslim)

Do not keep hatred inside you. Seriously, there is no benefit in doing so. Hatred haunts and ruins your soul. When you hate someone, you give him/her space in your brain, exactly similar to the case when you think about someone whom you love. I meant you surely will always remember how evil that person is, how could he/she do that, and you will eventually re-feel the pain again and again. Haven’t you got enough of pain? Come on, give mercy to your own heart and plus it is totally a waste of your brain capacity, no?

Believe this: WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND. Allah tells us that there is always compensation (reward or punishment) for every deed we have done. This compensation may be given in the world or in the afterlife.

May our heart always be filled with mercy and faith!