Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Cooking Experiment #1 - Corn and Egg

Good Morning Folks!
Today I feel so energized and my morning mood is somehow boosted. I don’t usually cook for breakfast but today I went to the kitchen and found two corns and an egg.

FYI, my family never makes breakfast, we grab our breakfast from food stalls instead. We live in a village and here take-away foods are incredibly cheap. We mostly have take-away Nasi Pecel (rice and salad dressed with peanut sauce and curry soup, plus a couple of fried tempe or soybean cake or fermented soybean) which is worth Rp. 3000,-/portion. A dish of Nasi Pecel contains carbohydrate, minerals, vitamins, and plant protein. If you need or love or can’t eat without animal protein, you can ask for an extras, like a slice of chicken wing (my favorite is chicken foot which is disgusting for some people but it is edible and rich of calcium, and most importantly I find it delicious).

Long short story, I thought it would be fun to do a simple cooking experiment. I use these following ingredients for seasoning (basically any ingredient I found on the kitchen counter):

3 cloves
1 clove garlic
1 shallot plant bulb (or shallot leaves)
5 basil leaves
1 green lemon leaf
2 tomatoes
5 chili papers
½ tablespoon salt

Main ingredient
2 ears of corn (cut corn kernels off the cob)
1 organic egg
3 tablespoon of palm oil

Now, how do I make it?
1.       Chop up the shallots, garlic, shallot leaves, basil leaves, green lemon leaf, tomatoes, and chili papers.
2.       Heat the coconut oil in a frying pan and then stir fry those chopped ingredients (±1 minute)
3.       Add the corn kernels and stir fry till it turns golden (±2 minutes)
4.       Crack the egg and mix them all together. Add the salt and keep stirring till it is cooked. 

DONE! It is super easy. Isn’t it? Basically I just mixed all the ingredients. This carbohydrate-protein-vitamin-mineral meal is better served hot, especially when it is still smoking, yummm! Oh wait! It’s perfect with a cup of caffein, I meant bir bardak çay / un vaso de té / a cup of tea. Bon appetit!


Hi People! Eventually,  I decided to start blogging today. Yeay! I always wanted to start it since like years ago, but the laziness had a pretty good hold on me. I do love blog walking, when I find someone’s blog interesting, I will read almost all posts from the recent to the oldest ones. The fact is that I am not good in writing, even in my mother languages which are Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese, let alone English, but hey it’s never too late to practice, right?. 
I am graduated from the oldest university in Indonesia, and I am majoring in English. Yes, English! Though my brain is so lack of English vocabularies and so needed an improvement, especially in terms of writing. So again, here I am, trying to keep my English alive.

Note: Please don’t mind my not-so-good lexicon choices. :)